Saturday, July 6, 2013

Busy day #2 in Wyoming

I got up today at 5:38am, a little earlier than my normal 7:00am. I think the reason is moving from CST to MST. My body clock is still an hour ahead of mountain time. I took the opportunity to get outside for some morning photos (after making and consuming part of a pot of coffee). Barbara never seems to have any problem sleeping in which is exactly what she did this morning. It was 64 degrees inside the RV this morning....51 degrees outside - perfect sleeping weather.
Around mid morning we decided to head into Cheyenne for a few hours. We had a great time visiting a couple of parks, shopping at the Sierra Trading Post, and doing lunch at Old Chicago. We drove to Cheyenne via a back road called "Happy Jack". There were lots of campers along the way, enjoying the great outdoors in this beautiful place. I learned that this area is one of the best for rock climbing in the USA. I love to climb but my joints just aren't as strong as they used to be so the tough climbs will be left to the young people. I did manage to scramble up a few places to get some photos however.
Tomorrow...we head to Saratoga for the next month, camping on the bank of the North Platte River. I hear some trout calling my name.

An early morning photo. We just love our campsite.
A closeup of the same photo above. The whole earth is certainly filled with God's Glory!
I couldn't resist a little shadow art.
The largest steam locomotive ever built. In Holiday Park, Cheyenne
Also toured the Botanical Gardens. Well worth it!
Not sure about the type of flower but they sure were pretty
Interesting rock formations are all around us. God's sculpture work is amazing!
One more photo for the road.

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