Wednesday, August 29, 2012

One of the most plesant experiencies we have as RV'ers is meeting and talking with other folks. The same question is always asked, "where are you from"? I'm still trying to sort out a consistent response. I've given several different answers ranging from: 1) we're not from anywhere since we full time RV'ers. 2) we're from the southeastern US, wife-Florida, myself-Tennessee. 3) the last 16 years we had a home in the Kansas City area. I guess the best response would be to say we're RV'ers and let the conversation go from there.
People in the Pacific Northwest don't see many folks like us from the Southeastern US so one of the first coments we get is about our accents. Now I've not lived in Tennessee for 36 years however my accent is just as pronounced as it was the day I left. You would think that an accent would modify over time if you move to a different region but I don't guess that really happens. I get a kick out of some people who try to guess where we come from. I'm not amused when they guess Georgia or Florida. I've only had one person correctly guess where I was from. He was an old Paiute Indian we met in central Oregon and he just came right out and asked me if I were from Tennessee after I spoke a few sentences. He had never even been to Tennessee but he had been around other Indians from the south during inter-tribal gatherings. I enjoyed so much talking with him.
I had to take a photo of our cat this morning. He looks so comfortable, napping in the morning sun.

Another photo at an overlook just within Redwood Nat. Pk.
Just up from the RV is an area of many neat tidal pools.

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