Thursday, August 1, 2013

Since our last post we've settled into a routine of my fishing in the morning and Barbara going for her power walk about town. After we have lunch we usually rest for a while, read, or watch a little TV. We also wash cloths once a week. Saratoga has a neat laundromat, two bucks to wash and one to dry most loads.
We tried out the pizza restaurant the other day and the pizzas were pretty good. Saratoga has several eating places that are all locally owned, no fast foods here. We haven't found a bad place to eat yet. You might pay a little more than at a fast food but I think the food is better. Come to think of it, there are no national chain businesses in Saratoga. I guess the main reason is the low population (around 1700) but being 70 miles from another town with a population over 10,000 you would think there would at least be a scaled down version of one or two major businesses. It's a big deal around here when people go to Laramie to do major shopping. Now Laramie is no big metropolis with less than 30,000 people but they do have a Super Walmart. Careful planning goes into the 140 mile round trip so you don't forget that special item. Our trip to Laramie is on for this Friday. We've been in Saratoga since July 7 and I can honestly say I haven't missed the big town or city with all they have to offer. Just give me a grocery store, a pizza shop, and a place to get a good cheeseburger every now and then and I'm happy. Plus, there's nothing like going down to the river and catching a trout dinner most any day you want.
Our stay here is slowly winding down. We're due to leave on Aug. 10, headed to Meeteetse, WY for a week. Then it's on to Yellowstone and Grand Teton Nat. Pks. We've never been to this part of WY so we're excited to see new places.
Yesterday we left for a night of tent camping at Turpin Reservoir. We had a good time, even caught a couple of nice sized Brook Trout for dinner.

Turpin is a long way from civilization. Wildlife abounds in the area. Barbara was headed to use the bathroom in the woods this morning and ran into a cow moose. She quickly found another place to go.

At the center of the photo is a cow moose with her calf

When the sun went down the temperature quickly dropped into the 40's so a fire was in order.

Barbara having breakfast after sleeping a little late in the morning

I washed both the truck and RV today. Wouldn't you know it, rain is on the way.  

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