Monday, August 5, 2013

Trip to Laramie

   We had a nice (but long) trip to Laramie on Friday. It was a 156 mile round trip in order to stock up on supplies at Walmart. The route we drove took us up and over the Snowy Range with Laramie located on the other side. We left around 10:00am and arrived at 11:30.
   The first stop was at possibly the best Mexican Restaurant I've ever eaten at. It was called Andale Rapido which is located in a small strip mall called Corona Village. I did a little research on line the night before, looking at the highest rated eating places in Laramie. This little place had 5 reviews, all of them of the highest rating so we decided to check them out. We're so glad we did.
   Before we hit the Walmart, we passed a Hastings Bookstore which we had to make a stop at. Barbara scans the shelves, writing down books and authors she is interested in. She then later uses her Nook to log into the Kingsport, TN. library to check them out electronically. They download to her Nook for a 21 day check out period. She really likes her Nook. I bought it for her about 8 months ago and I figure it has already paid for itself by her reading all the books she wants for free!
   After an hour or so at Walmart we made our way back to Saratoga, arriving back at the RV at 4:00pm. After packing away everything we decided to make a trip over to the hot springs for a soak...such a relaxing way to end the day.
   Tomorrow we're heading to Rawlins. We want to just look around the town, eat lunch, and I want to get a haircut while we're there. Rawlins is the county seat of Carbon County and has a population of 9,259. The county has an area of 7,964 square miles with a total population of 15,585. The county is just a little smaller than the state of New about the wide open spaces!

On the road to Laramie.

Downtown Laramie. Home of the University of Wyoming. Population...30,000. I guess the population goes up by 13,000 or so when the college students get back.


Lunch at Andale Rapido, an excellent Mexican Restaurant


I had the Fajita Burrito...mum good! I ate half of it before thinking to take a photo.

While driving back to Saratoga we pass through the small town of Centennial with just over 400 residents. It was founded in 1876 as a location that provided railroad ties for the first transcontinental railroad. Soon afterward, gold was discovered nearby. Once the gold was depleted, the town lived on with merchants providing goods for ranches that formed in the area.

Once we got back to Saratoga a trip to the hot springs was in order...a good way to top off the day. This is the main spring area with the water ranging around 110 degrees.

About 18 months ago the city built this pool, beside the main spring pool. The temperature of this pool ranges around 104 degrees, a little cooler than the main pool and a lot more comfortable in our opinion.

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